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S&L Advocaten is een van oudsher Amsterdams kantoor. Het advocatenkantoor is ontstaan in 1988.

2017 © Soedamah Advocaten. Alle rechten voorbehouden.

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Specialized in our profession


When a lawyers starts at L&S Lawyers, they're active in general law. During which it's possible for them to develop expertise in certain fields. Our lawyers work in the following fields of the law:

For an intake meeting we usually charge a fee of €70,-. However, not every juridical problem requires this fee to be paid. When planning your meeting with us, we'll inform you beforehand if the fee is necessary or not.

for partial or full
financial aid
for your attorney fees


Read about it on the website of the Legal Aid Board (RvR)

In certain cases it is possible to receive financial aid. You qualify for partial or full government funded legal aid for the costs, if your gross annual income from 2 years ago is below a government determined treshold.

You can find more information about government funded legal aid and your personal contribution on the website of the Legal Aid Board.

The request for legal aid will be made by the lawyers themselves. To do this we need your identity card and your annual statement from 2 years ago. Please bring these documents to intake interviews. If the Legal Aid Board decides, for whatever reason, not to provide legal aid compensation, we will charge the regular hourly rate of the lawyers in question. For the performed task of requesting legal aid before a possible rejection by the Legal Aid Board, you will receive an advanced payment note.


Immigration Law

Immigration law consists of regulation that detail residential status, allowance or expulsion of foreigners (in the Netherlands this entails individuals that do not possess Dutch citizenship) on foreign affairs. In your case it probably involves residential status, allowance or expulsion for you, your family (e.g. spouse, children, cousins, etc.), a co-worker or friend in the Netherlands.

It's not always easy to find the right path in a cluster of regulations inside of immigration law. This can impede your request for a visa or residence permit.

L&S Lawyers will proudly support you during the objection procedure at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) and also at the appeal at the court. L&S Lawyers can assist you with both short and long term stay. Likewise we can advice you on residence law. In this aspect you can be certain that we provide you with ample and expert advice. Scilicet we don't waste time pushing procedure if the outcome is not in your favour.

In case you wish to bring your spouses into the Netherlands, receive your parents for a visit, hire a foreign worker or have any other inquiries regarding immigration law, you can count on L&S Lawyers to assist you. This includes both short term and long term stay. L&S Lawyers assists and guides further MVV-procedures, so you don't have to worry about that. We'll make sure that you're properly informed about the required documentation that you are obligated to hand in, so that your procedure can be handled swiftly and correct. In the event that a procedure reaches court, you can be asured that we provide you with excellent legal counsel. You can expect us to view every case as equally important and that we won't make distinctions between paying clients and those that are receiving legal aid.

Tenancy Law

Tenancy law is a dynamic and complicated jurisdiction. The law contains a plethora of restrictions that contracts are required to abide by. Agreements concerning renting objects, e.g. a residential or commercial premise, or movable housing are required to be explicitly well written down. It's essential that the terms and conditions are transparent for the involved parties.

Criminal Law

L&S Lawyers are knowledgeable and driven in various matters within criminal law. We help with cases about use of narcotics, life and violence offenses, morality, and property crime. We also deal with traffic offenses, including drink-driving and everything related to this. In addition to expert legal guidance, there is plenty of attention for the person of the client and every case is advocated in its own way and 'to the point'. If you have been arrested, detained or summoned, you or your family can contact us. On the basis of the documents present, the approach to the case is discussed together. If the client is detained, the client is regularly visited by us. We act at all courts and tribunals in the Netherlands. With L&S Lawyers you opt for enthusiastic and thorough criminal lawyers with optimal commitment to both the legal and the human side of the case. We hereby make no distinction between paying and pro bono matters.

Labour Law

It is possible that a dispute has arisen between an employer and employee. L&S Lawyers does not distinguish between clients. Whether you are an employer or an employee, we gladly and professionally assist you with the knowledge and experience that we have. We can assist you if the parties are not yet directly opposed to each other and a trial in court can be prevented. However, even if there is a conflict that needs to be dealt with in court, we will take care of what is in it for you. Think of topics such as dismissal (termination at the UWV or dissolution at court), compensation, transitional compensation, non-competition clause, etc. We understand that the financial security that one obtains through having work is of the utmost importance. A labor dispute can therefore intervene deep into your life. We will therefore try to leave you as harmless as possible through a labor conflict. We are always available to you and we mainly deal with you.

Matrimonial Law

Family and personal law covers, among other things, divorce proceedings, division of property issues, settlements of cohabitation contracts, cohabitation, authority issues, contact arrangements with children, alimony, custody and custodial placement. In general, it concerns matters involving personal ties and/or relations between several parties that are closely involved. This means that the settlement often involves emotions. However, in such situations, for a desired result you sometimes have to act in a businesslike manner. It is precisely for this reason that a lawyer is the right partner. The lawyer can sympathetically think along with you, but if necessary also act commercially. In the unlikely event that you encounter problems within this jurisdiction, L&S Lawyers can assist you in a personal and professional manner. To start a divorce procedure, you need a lawyer. Issues that are discussed are the marital home, agreements about the children, residence, handling, alimony, partner alimony, distribution of the matrimonial property. Sometimes it is desirable that a temporary court decision is taken first. For example a decision about the whereabouts of the children or about who will stay in the marital home. Then the final divorce comes up. We assist and advise you on various practical points in order to achieve an optimal result.

Civil Law

A step to the judge is a last resort. Think of a dispute where one can not agree with each other. L&S Lawyers has years of experience in litigation in cases of many kinds. Yet our motto is 'prevention is better than cure'. That is why we try to arrange the case with the least possible costs for the client. This means that we first try to find a suitable solution on your behalf with the other party. Only when there is no other option, the step to the court will be taken. Whether it concerns a television that is not good, a claim that is not paid, a dispute with the neighbors, it is advisable to have a conversation with one of our lawyers. During this interview all aspects of the case will be discussed in detail and you will receive a budget of the expected costs. This way you will not be faced with surprises afterwards.

Administrative law

In performing its duties, the government adheres to the general administrative law, as laid down in the General Administrative Law Act (AWB). This law regulates subjects between citizens and entrepreneurs with the government. Consider, for example, an application, refusal or withdrawal of a permit or benefits etc.

L&S Lawyers advises and provides (procedural) assistance in the aforementioned issues in which the government and citizen have to deal with each other. Should you have to deal with decisions of the government that you do not agree with, you can contact us for this. We help you to lodge an objection or appeal.

Many of the jurisdictions we handle are related to Administrative Law. At L&S Lawyers we practice General Administrative Law. If you have the option to object a decision (no matter the type of decision), we're likely able to assist you.

Road Traffic

L&S Lawyers assists all kinds of road users. If you have sustained injury or other damage as a result of another person, we will help you.

We will also assist you if you are unjustly suspected of a criminal offense. Traffic offenses include, for example, cases in connection with accidents, involving damage or injury, and cases involving the use of alcohol and/or drugs.

The consequences of collecting a driving license through a conviction of the Public Prosecutor can be unfortunate. In addition, the judge can also impose a fine or a community service in addition to a driving license. Furthermore, the CBR can, without prejudice to the criminal proceedings, institute an investigation into the capability of the person to drive. Parts of it can be a conversation with a psychiatrist and a blood test.

Do you think it was your fault that the accident happened? In other words, is there a considerable degree of culpable carelessness? We advise you to contact a lawyer before talking to the police extensively. This kind of business is often very technical. Moreover, it is often also about details. Of course you can contact our office in this kind of cases for expert advice and assistance.

In short, it is a complicated process in which different procedures cross each other.

Corporate Law

L&S Lawyers advises individuals and companies to enter into or terminate all legal acts that an entrepreneur has to deal with. This can vary from advice on setting up a legal entity to advice on dealing with cont(r)acts with suppliers and customers, forms of cooperation, acquisitions, etc. In the conflict sphere one can think of conducting proceedings and arbitrations, supervising disputes within or about the company, buy-out, investigation of management and vicissitudes concerning (valuation of) shares and also collection disputes.

Juvenile Justice

Youth law covers many jurisdictions. It includes both civil and criminal law. This can be a juvenile criminal case, a supervision order or a custodial placement. It can also be about matters resulting from a separation from the parents. Consider, for example, a contact arrangement. Alimony, the parental authority. The minor should not be alone in all these cases. On the other hand, the rights of parents should not be forgotten, for example, when they are confronted with a home placement of their child. This field of tension makes juvenile law a special jurisdiction.

Social Security Law

Social security law are the rules that ensure that people still have an income during disability, illness, pension or unemployment. Social security in the Netherlands consists of employee insurances (e.g. Work and Income according to Labor Capacity Act, Unemployment Insurance Act, Sickness Benefits Act), national insurance schemes (e.g. the General Old Age Act and Long-Term Care Act) and social services (e.g. the Participation Act, Allowances Act, Social Support Act WMO) .

The implementation of these laws by the UWV, the SVB, Zorgkantoor, the municipality and other organizations does not always go well. Do you have problems with a withdrawal, recovery or penalty of your social security benefit? Do you disagree with the level of your occupational disability percentage? Is your PGB reclaimed, because it is stated, for example, that you have incorrectly justified? Does the municipality indicate that you are not entitled to a WMO facility or a urgency declaration? Or do you have another problem in this area? Then contact us. We advise you with the best way to solve your problem. If necessary, we can help you with filing a notice of objection or appeal.

Debt Repayment

Clients regularly file a petition with the court to apply the Debt Rehabilitation Scheme (Natural Persons Debt Reorganization Act, WSNP). It sometimes happens that the court rejects requests for application of the debt rescheduling scheme. A debtor has the right of appeal within eight days of the day of rejection by the court. The appeal can only be brought by a lawyer and attorney by means of a petition. This must be submitted to the clerk of the court that must take note of the case in question. It also happens that the WSNP is already applicable, but that the debt rescheduling arrangement is terminated prematurely by the court. Even then, the debtor has the right of appeal to the court. We regularly note that clients go to our office at the last minute to request an appeal. L&S Lawyers would like to point out that there is a possibility to lodge an appeal within eight days after the court has terminated the application of the WSNP. We can assist with cases relating to rejection of the debt rescheduling scheme by the court, such as instituting an appeal.

Consumer Law

More information about this jurisdiction coming soon.

Nationality Law

If you have been lawfully resident for at least five years in the Netherlands, you will in principle be eligible for naturalization. If you want to apply for Dutch nationality, L&S Lawyers can assist you during your naturalization request. We also help in cases where a naturalization request has been rejected. We can also assist you with more complex issues concerning Dutch nationality law. Consider, for example, the case that your foreign-born children and grandchildren have acquired Dutch nationality or can still lay claim to it. In some cases you can opt for Dutch citizenship. If you have lost your Dutch citizenship, for example because you have stayed in the country of your other nationality for more than ten years, we can assist you in legal proceedings. You can not just qualify for Dutch citizenship. To this end, a number of requirements must be met by the Dutch government. If you have a relationship with a Dutch person, for example you must have a registered relationship form for at least three years. In addition, living together is an important requirement in this context. Furthermore, in order to guarantee the security of a country, there must be no suspicion that you are a threat to residents and public order. You must also have successfully completed the integration course. Your identity must suffice on the basis of various official legalized documents. L&S Lawyers can guide you during the entire process. In addition, we are also the right partner when, for example, you want to appeal against a negative decision.

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Loodgieter Den Haag